I am very new to the whole blogging thing, both in relation to writing one and to reading others. But there are so many fascinating, interesting and quirky blogs out there that I recommend you go on a hunt and find a few to follow. Unfortunately, it might also mean that you face the prospect of your favourite blogs eventually coming to an end, and that's whats happened to me this morning. At the moment I only follow a handful of blogs and one of those is/was called The Other Andrew. This guy, who lives in Sydney, had been running his blog for 5 years, though I only recently stumbled upon it on one of my random sweeps of the interdribble. (Well actually I was googling the diver, Mathew Mitcham which led me to The Other Andrew cos he had some pics of him on his blog). Anyway, he writes so well, he is a knitter, he collects retro images of all kinds of things, he had insight - it was a damned good read. But alas, I discover to my great disappointment this morning that he has run out of energy and decided to shut down his blog. This was not good news.
Another blog that I had been following keenly was that of the shaved headed venom researcher, Bryan Fry. OMG his life as he told it was like a Quentin Tarrantino movie...it was edgy to say the least and then it suddenly was no more....no explanation, no warning - the plug was pulled.
Another of my favourites, again oh so witty and insightful, gave her followers a shock a few weeks ago when, as a consequence of new motherhood, she decided she didn't have the time or energy to continue on with her blog. Luckily for all her fans, she has re-thought this hasty decision and so continues to brighten up my interdribbling.
I know my blog is anything but insightful or even mildly witty most of the time, but I see it more as a record of our lives here and a way that our friends can keep up with what we are up to. But I recommend that if you haven't got a few blogs that you regularly visit that you go on a hunt (though I'm not even sure how you can purposefully find blogs, most of mine have been unexpected discoveries) to find some blogs of your own. Or start your own. Oh and keep reading this one, of course.