Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tree Planting

Graham gets to work digging a hole for a lemon scented ti tree he bought for us. This will become known as Graham's tree and we're hoping other friends who visit will do the same. Simeon and Graeme (another Graeme) bought us a black sapote and Jenny a vanilla bean plant to kick things off last week.
In goes the soil around the young tree, note how Graham is careful when he pats the earth down around the base of the tree.

Richard now pours some water around the plant to 'water it in', giving it a head start. Nature can be a harsh mistress, so any extra help is well worth it.

Doesn't Graham look happy and pleased with himself standing next to his young ti tree. He can't wait to come back and see how much it has grown. Girls and boys: You may note Graham is only wearing thongs - you should always dress appropriately with proper footwear when working in the garden. The blade of that mattock is rather sharp.

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