Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bits and pieces; bibs and bobs

Piglet zooming along on the revamped Rita I on Friday afternoon. Piglet came up for a few days and left Saturday morning. We had a great brunch at Coolangatta before dropping him off at Gold Coast airport. Piglet is now way out in front on his visitation stats
A few views taken from a road to the west of our valley showing a different perspective to our little hidden valley. You can just make out the Billen Cliff line which sits above our place.
The cliffs in closer detail.
We spent Sunday making another start on the courtyard that sits between the two pavilions of the house. We spent a few hours doing bits and pieces in readiness to paint the walls and to dig out the holes for the deck footings and the fishpond. We are aiming to bring this project to completion before Xmas.

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