Saturday, November 17, 2012

HelpXer: Antony

 Antony, our HelpXer from Belgium spent two weeks with us. His major task was to shift 15 cubic metres of mulch from the pile along the driveway where the truck dumped it, over to the Big Bush Garden and spread it nice and evenly. Which he did quite well, and I readily admit it's a bit of a tedious job when done with no help. And hot. And heavy. So he achieved that goal as well as a bunch of other things, including a lot of watering as he was here for the end of the dry spell.
Last weekend I took advantage of the rather sparse ground cover on our paddock opposite to our house and we wandered over there checking the fencelines. Because when you have fencelines along paddocks you need to check them periodically to make sure they are intact. A long-dead cow, (not one of ours of course) however, was no longer intact, and indeed was just a jumble of very bleached bones. So what's an excitable, 18 year old Belgian to do but grab hold of the pelvis bones and, well, stick his head in it.
 Not a bad look, really.
Towards the end of his stay with us, Antony began experimenting in the kitchen and produced a couple of batches of tasty crepes as well as these delicious cup cakes which had a blob of, what else, but nutella, in the centre of them.  Nutella is to Europeans what Vegemite is to Australians.
Antony left us on Thursday morning to cycle down through Casino and then on to Grafton. His ambition is to slowly cycle down to Sydney by Xmas and enjoy a Sydney Xmas and New Year.  Though he doesn't really like Sydney. Or big cities. or crowds....


Alex said...

"Nutella is to Europeans what Vegemite is to Australians"
HAHA yeah except Nutella is YUMMY :-P

Mutterings from Maryville said...

and so is Vegemite :-)