Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Perfect Storm

Although we've had a bit more rain so far this month than last month, and the grass had started growing again, greening the pastures nicely, another week of dry, very hot weather had begun to brown things off, and we'd had to start supplementary feeding the boys with lucerne, which we've not had to do (other than in winter) since we got them.
Things changed on Tuesday night.
The day had been a scorcher and while storm clouds started to appear promisingly in the late afternoon, they seemed to dissipate and we were again disappointed. But something magical must have happened because we started to hear the rumblings of thunder as we began preparing for dinner. The sky was almost constantly lit up with flashes of lightening and then it began to rain. No wind, just rain, heavy, constant, wet, warm rain.
It felt so good to be outside on the verandah watching this awesome display of weather that we decided to eat at the outdoor table on the verandah.
And still the rain kept going, the lightening became even more dramatic and the sound that some of the lightening was amazing. The energy that must be released during this kind of storm must be incredible and I felt like a little kid, enjoying the drama, the excitement, the noise, the smell of wetness, I was enjoying wonderment.
We have two HelpXers from Singapore here at the moment, Cathy and Jeff, and they enjoyed the storm as well, particularly once the blackout began and we lit candles.
I excitedly checked the rain gauge the next morning, hoping we'd get a couple of inches - we got 101mm, which is just over four inches. We so needed that!

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