Monday, March 10, 2014

Stevie's birthday movie

Yesterday was Steve's birthday, so we decided to celebrate it (well we had celebrated it the night before with friends, Julia and Glen at a hot tub/wine/dinner) night, but on the actual day of his birthday, Sunday, we took ourselves off to the magic of the cinema to watch Dallas Buyers' Club, which we both enjoyed. But not only was the movie good, but we discovered how fabulous, Kyogle's cinema is. It's now a community owned and operated cinema, after nearly folding last year because about $50k was needed to upgrade the projector system from film to digital. The local community rallied around and the cinema was saved. And to our great shame, this was the first time in 5.5 years that we had watched a movie there. But we are very glad to say, it won't be our last!

1 comment:

David Once of Newcastle said...

And belated happy birthday to Steve!