Sunday, April 27, 2014

An early morning walk to the entry to Billen Cliffs

 You'll find these signs on most properties in our valley. The signs may be faded and broken now but the intention to protect the landscape against the greedy depredations of the coal gas industry is growing stronger each day. There's a large protest camp at Bentley about 5kms as the crow flies to the west of us; there's been up to 2000 people camped there.
 Black ducks, swamp hens and moorhens make their home in this lovely little pond.
 There aren't a lot of big fig trees in our valley but there are a few scattered on properties along the road. I wonder though whether they were planted or the fruit was deposited by a bird and the young tree took root and grew.
 I love this quirky purple hut on this property. The hut is actually on wheels and sits next to a large dam. I guess it's a kind of boat house.
 And at the front of this property sits this lovely mosaic 'lounge' inviting weary walkers like myself to take a break and rest and admire
 the lovely views. The sun has risen high in the sky now and it feels warm against my skin. This large paddock is covered by grasses and is home to quail and no doubt a few snakes and lizards.
And here ends the walk. Well almost, anyway. Looking up into McGuinness Road from the end (actually start) of Martin's Road. You can see our house perched up on the top of the paddock.  As I walked along the road, red necked wallabies bounded ahead of me, assuredly escaping the road along their network of tracks which only ever become noticeable when a wallaby is using them.

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