Monday, December 1, 2014

An unusual visitor

 We had returned back to our place after a rather boozy lunch at our friends, Mel and EB who live ten minutes away in Upper Cawongla (well we are probably the only people in the whole world who have differentiated Upper and Lower Cawongla, but that's beside the point).  It was on one of those very hot November Sundays and it was still very hot when we got home around 5.30.  Waiting for us was our latest HelpXers, Nicole and Stuart (Nicole is German but was born and grew up in Spain and went to university in Manchester - studying tourism as it turns out - and Stuart was a Manchester lad). Anyway as we showed Nicole and Stuart their bedroom I noticed a rather large pooh like object on their carpet which I quickly picked up. Out in the lounge room I discovered another two.  Steve and I looked at each, mouthing the words 'we are not alone'. We started to notice the odd object knocked from the coffee table or low shelving and so we were certain that we had an animal of uncertain heritage sharing the house with us.  I had resigned myself to sharing the house with this critter and was lying peacefully on the lounge in recover position when a loud 'Kevin' bellowed from the cellar.  Steve had discovered the culprit....
a goanna a little over a metre long, had wedged itself behind our downstairs fridge.  Luckily it wasn't so wedged in that I wasn't able to gently persuade it to forgo the relative sanctuary of the back of the white goods and allow me to pick it up. It calmly allowed me to pose for photos for a few minutes before I liberated it in the garden near the chook pen.

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