Monday, January 26, 2015

It seems we have termites

We've always taken a proactive approach to termites since buying Maryville@Larnook and get the place inspected on an annual basis. Just a couple of weeks out from our 2015 inspection and both Liam and Julia commented, rather too casually for my liking, that it seemed we had termites as the product of their relentless chewing and gnawing could be seen spiralling out of the cracks between timber in the guest bathroom. Stifling a 'don't be ridiculous - that's just dust', I bit my tongue and waited until our insect inspector arrived.  Who told us the same news.

Termites. Not everywhere and no, it is very unlikely that the house would cave in around us anytime soon, but we will need to deal with the invertebrate marauders in a timely and effective manner.  We have located ground zero and the insect exterminator opened up their trails so that the neighbouring colony of black ants could mount their own offensive before he came back tomorrow to check on progress and to do whatever else he needs to do to rid us of this ancient cousin of the cockroach.  Since then Steve has found another site of infestation and they seem to have found their way into my rough scaled python enclosure through the bessar blocks, so we may have to be more aggressive than we first thought.

1 comment:

. said...

Sympathies. We unexpectedly (since we should still have been protected) had to deal with this a couple of years back. I denied it until the noise of their munching kept us awake at night! We're still paying the bill. Hope yours settles down soon.

Jeni from Northern Rivers Dreaming