Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Big Wet Part II

The lorikeets have discovered the pear tree now (just how do the birds and fruit bats know when trees are in flower or fruit) and we have been waking up to their bad tempered squabbling over the past couple of weeks. Last week I noticed a few lorikeets much smaller than usual perched high up in the mango tree and I did wonder and hope whether they might have been scaly-breasted lorikeets, which I hadn't seen here before. Sure enough, as we walked past the pear tree on Monday morning, there were a couple of gorgeous scaly-breasteds munching through the pears. Hans managed to capture this shot.
We walked down to the creek a few times over the weekend to check on how the flooding was going. This is Steve and I and our rainbow coloured umbrellas, in keeping with living in the Rainbow Region, of course.  Hans enjoyed the contrast of colour against the greyness of the days in his photos.
 Down by the creek with Bluey looking back. The creek rises much higher than this but you could still feel the might and strength as the water gushed down the creek and beyond its banks, taking with it huge logs and islands of plants.
 Monday was a fun day for us. We didn't cop the bad winds at all so the light to moderate rain just enhanced the day for us. We made chocolate chip cookies in the morning, watched a few episodes of the Catherine Tate Show, enjoyed some wine time in the hot tub and even played a couple of games of nude bocce. (yes there are photos, but no they will never appear on the blog I'm afraid).
And to top an excellent day off, Shane cooked baked chook (yes one of our roosters that he dispatched quickly and efficiently last week) and veges for dinner.  A couple of glasses of wine and yet more Catherine Tate.  A very good day!

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