Sunday, September 13, 2009

Steve to see cardiologist this Friday...and echidnas

Steve managed to get an appointment with the cardiologist this coming Friday so hopefully a better understanding of what's happening with Steve's ticker will emerge from this appointment. But he's fighting fit - his irregular incidents of tachycardia aside.
Speaking of things tachy...this is a lame segue I know, but the genus name for echidna is Tachyglossus so bear with me...since coming to live up in the Northern Rivers I have seen more echidnas than in my 45 years prior. They are particularly active late winter and early spring when the boys waddle around in pursuit of the girls. Their wanderings frequently take them across roads where way too many of the poor things end up run flattened pin cushions. Last evening we drove a friend from Sydney, who had called in for a drink in the spa while watching the sun set, back to the train station at Casino (which is a rather grand country station). And what should be snuffling across one of the back roads we were driving along - a jolly old echidna. Fingers crossed he doesn't encounter another road for a goodly while.

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