Saturday, November 7, 2009

Meet Teriaki and Sushi

Meet Teriyaki, our cock Japanese bantam. We were at The Channon Market this morning admiring the poulty stall when our friends Matt and Stewart, well particularly Matt, convinced me that what our lives needed to be totally fulfilled was this sweet pair of bantams. The more I looked at the proud little rooster with his demure girlfriend, the more I knew he was right. So once Steve had acquiesced, I handed over the $25.00 and these two became ours.
This is Sushi, being a little shy in front of the camera.

Sushi with Teriyaki in the background. Our chookery has an internal compound which can be used fro separating or quarantining so we've put the two banties in here for a few days until the other girls get used to them. Lordie did the girls cackle and crow in a very concerned manner when they saw their new friends. The girls can go on a bit at times.

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