Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hot weather brings out a baby bearded dragon

The weekend has been very hot. We mowed the lawns yesterday and this morning went down the creek early, before 8am, and mowed down there, too. The black cockies have returned in a flock of about a dozen which noisily tear apart the pine cones starting at around 6 in the morning. I was also lucky to see the pair of wedge tailed eagles and this year's offspring as they flew quite low over our paddock on the other side of McGuinness Road, yesterday afternoon. The pair nests in Jiggi, the next valley over, near where we were really interested in a house and almost made an offer. It's great we still get to admire this pair when they fly over our place.
And, the other neat little animal sighting today was this little guy, a baby bearded dragon. Not sure if it's the same one that I spotted on the other side of the house a month or so ago. It's a bit funny - bearded dragons should be fairly easy to spot, they love basking on the tops of fence posts - and indeed before we moved in to Maryville I did see one doing exactly that. But I haven't seen any adults here since then, and this is only the second sighting of a bub. Oh sweet mysteries of life.....

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