Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wildlife happenings

Fruit bats are tucking into our mangoes now, so I rescued two dozen and the rest will most likely be converted into guano. Our grumichama tree is dripping in delicious cherry-like fruit (see pic in other posting) and that's attracting king parrots, while our bloodwood's flowers are playing hosts to dozens of squawking lorikeets. The yellow-tailed black cockatoos have returned to chew the seeds out of the pine cones. We also have a white faced heron nesting in one of the pine trees near the chookery. A rather large and well fed lace goanna was trying to sun itself down by the creek this morning while Steve and I were mowing the grass and we have baby short necked turtles and water dragons in and around the creek as well. Lots of life going on around us at the moment. Lots of new growth on our plantings - finally after such a dry spring when nothing much was actually growing, just trying to remain alive. After all the rain we've had in the past six weeks, the word is lush!

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