Sunday, June 6, 2010

Meet Ludo

Ludo is a French Help_Xer who stayed with us last week. Not only was he great outside - painting our wooden seats, clearing away weeds from fencelines and mulching one of the vege gardens, but he also happened to be a cook. A French cook! So Ludo spent some time in the kitchen creating delicious chicken dishes, crepes with chocolate sauce and ratatouile (hmmm that's most probably misspelled but you know what I mean).
The weather was rather ordinary for about half the time he was here and most of our equipment (brush cutter, Rita the ride-on and Rove the lawn mower...oh what the hell, that's Brad the brush cutter..anyway none of the buggers is working at present so Ludo had to contend with the old fashioned way of removing weeds.
Ludo left us on Friday to head to Noosa and so he drove up with me on Friday afternoon to Brisbane where I deposited him at his backpackers, before he headed to Noosha the next day for more Help_Xing.

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