Saturday, June 26, 2010

Keeping Jack Frost away

Because we get a few frosts during winter, though so far this winter we've had none, we have to be careful with some of our plants. While most that we have planted are frost tolerant there are some that are more sensitive and a few that we've taken a punt on in the hope they'll cope. There are a few things that can be done to reduce frost severity including removal of mulch from around the plant so that the soil heats up more during the day and also placing bottle of water at the base of the plants. The idea here is that the water absorbs heat during the day and then releases it back at night, though I suspect we probably need a larger volume of water than I've provided. You can also shroud the plant in a 'tent' of some kind as well, but we don't do this. Fingers crossed we don't cop any severe frosts this year.

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