Thursday, November 25, 2010

a great way to start the day

photo: Queensland Gvt

As we drove into the uni this morning, one of the resident koalas slowly dawdled across the road in front of us, just like in the photo - although I think that one had a bit more speed than Blinky Bill did this morning. The koalas seem to be on the move a bit at the moment as Steve saw one in the same place last week and we saw another in a different spot a couple of weeks previously. The population up here in the north coast is apparently taking a battering through the depredations of dogs, being hit by cars and loss of habitat. It's quite unfathonamble when you read how many koalas that were killed just in Queensland up until the 1930s for their skins....millions were killed. We must have such a tiny proportion of the total population left now. When will the last wild koala die I wonder...

1 comment:

Louise said...

How exciting to see a koala in the wild. Not good to think of them dying out in the wild. Like polar bears. It's too awful to think about.