Sunday, December 26, 2010

It was one of those 102mm days

Well Steve made it safely back from Casino this morning but this is the 'bridge' 5 hours later at 4.30pm..the flood height sign which is over 2 metres high is well and truly submerged. People are stranded of course on both sides of the creek.
Luckily we don't need to be anywhere else. With some luck we the heaviest of the rains are over and the creek will subside so our friends Grant and Kelly from Sydney can get here tomorrow arvie and Piglet and Murray can get here the day after.Chris and Steve overlooking what should be our rainforest plantings
water, water, everywhere...we've had 102mm in 24hrs which brings the monthly total to 409mm with four days to go...though the rain has stopped and only scattered showers are forecast for the rest of the week.
And it seems our gym has become a tad wet as well. Luckily Steve had the foresight to unplug the gym equipment...Chris is deciding whether to take a jog or a swim...

1 comment:

Erica said...

Was wondering how you guys fared - pretty impressive flood there! We had the raging river, with waves and all! Got flooded out on Monday, from 9.30 to 7.30pm - but had a great time visiting friends and neighbours!! Glad you had a good chrissy and have fun on NYE...still thinking about what we might do....E