Saturday, March 26, 2011

The python strikes again

Just when you thought it was safe to gi back to the chook house, along comes our local carpet python doing his best Big Bad Wolf trick from Little Red Riding Hood...except that he swallowed our little black bantam hen, Sushi. Memo to self: don't obtain any more bantams until we build a python proof bantamry. You can see poor old Sushi in that rather obvious bulge. You might see that the python has got itself into a spot pf bother by trying to slide through the wire instead of over it.
Poor Sushi...
This is our HelpXer, Fabien, from France, being exceptionally brave by allowing me to position him close to the carpet python. He looks reasonably relaxed though, don't you think? Not sure about Fabien, though.


Louise said...

Oh poor sushi! I know the snake is only doing snake things, but the chicken didn't deserve that. There's still too many snakes up your neck of the woods.

Mutterings from Maryville said...

lol, there can never be too many snakes for my liking my dear....