Wednesday, March 2, 2011

White cloud mountain minnows

Cute, aren't they. We bought a dozen or so white cloud mountain minnows when we bought the water lilies, hmmm, in the first week or so of January, and they seem to be enjoying their new home in our fish pond, so much that there have been several egg laying events and we now have newly hatched bubs a few mm long, older children and teenagers who are almost as big as their parents, about an inch long. They are very cute and add a little splash of colour and movement to the pond. Now, I realise they are not native but they don't eat tadpoles and they are quite cute. I know that some of you would rather us have a few silvery perch or bass or gudgeons in the pond as some kind of salute to Australian icthyology, but, those species are aggressive carnivores that would consume our taddies within hours of their release. And at least they are not goldfish, although they would look rather lovely, swishing about with their long, graceful tail fins....

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