Sunday, April 22, 2012

bower bird update

The bower bird has now managed to acquire a number of blue trinketries and tricked up his bower with bottle tops, straws and pegs, some of which I've supplied gratis and others he has found himself. Looking good, bower bird, looking good.
It's been a nice weekend. I'm still by myself as Steve is on his annual Royal Tour of Newcastle, Central Coast and Sydney, catching up with friends and relatives. I decided to take advantage of the sunny, warm weather yesterday and took myself off to Tyagarah Lagoon, a beautiful paperbark lagoon about 15 kms north of Byron Bay and a million miles away in attitude and disposition. The lagoon itself, which I've blogged about previously, is an artefact of sand mining but is stunningly picturesque and the paperback wetland vegetation has come back and it looks very natural. I spent much of the afternoon in the dappled sun underneath the flaky, majestic paperbarks, reading. But I also took wandered around a bit and found a beautiful baby red bellied black snake sunning itself. I so rarely see these snakes any more, because of the impact of cane toads on them, that seeing one always makes me feel good. And they are just such a stunning animal....velvety black cutting into blood red belly.


Louise said...

Thanks so much for the bower bird update! It's wonderful to see nature at work. Do you ever see the bower bird himself? And your afternoon sounded quite idyllic til you saw Mr Snakie. I swear you see more snakes in the wild than anyone else I know (good thing too). Enjoy the serenity.

Mutterings from Maryville said...

Oh Louise you make me giggle! Yes, I often see the bower bird flying into the bush garden from elsewhere. A couple of weeks ago I saw him flying down with a blue bottle top in his beak, so that was an excellent sighting.
I'm hoping to get some time to try and hide and see if I can see him perform for his ladies, of which he seems to have a few.
The afternoon was idyllic - made even more so by the presence of that gorgeous snake :-)
Hope you are well!