Monday, December 2, 2013

Floral Arrangements

 This is our gorgeous Madagascan 'palm', Pachypodium lamerei. It's actually a relative of the frangpani, which can be see in the style of flower. This amazing plant which is now close to 2.5 metres tall has been with us for about 10 years but this is only the second time it has flowered. The first time it flowered it only produced one flower, so it's a real treat to see a few flowers on it.
 One of the sights of summer in the northern rivers, a beautiful Poinciana in flower against an endless blue sky.
And another sight of late spring/early summer: an Illawarra flame tree. These are so stunning and this one in particular stands proud on the side of a slope along Rock Valley Road about 15 minutes from our place.

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