Sunday, December 15, 2013

Getting the place ready for Xmas

 Which inevitably means quite a bit of mowing. Now you all know how much I enjoy saddling up Roger and mowing the lower paddocks and the lawns around the house, but the part of the property I really find challenging is down by the creek. Part of the problem is the long walk down the paddock pushing the mower over uneven ground and snags until you actually get to where you need to mow. And then there's the long walk back up the paddock after you've exhausted yourself mowing. This is a shot from the seat that Kevin and Antonin installed looking down over the area I was mowing today.
 I (or Julia, as Julia mows down here more often than me) hadn't mowed down here for probably close to two months and it showed! My heart sank as I wheeled the mower down and saw the extent of the growth. A suburban back yard has nothing on this!
It took me four hours (with a couple of breaks to refill the petrol in the mower and refill my water levels) before I'd conquered it. I'll mow it again next week and that should have it looking great for the Xmas and New Year period when we'll have quite a few friends staying over. No doubt there will be some creek-related activities and so we need a pleasant access to the creek.

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