Monday, July 14, 2014

Icy cold at Larnook

 So due to the magic of the 21st century, well I guess it's last century technology isn't it, anyway, whatever...Here I am in Singapore where the days range from 30-34 degrees C while Larnook and the northern rivers generally, at least away from the coast, has been copping lots of frost.  Apparently, we had some very nasty frosts last week. Julia stayed at our place for a few days last week and this is what outside looked like on Saturday morning.  It's never been as heavy as this in the almost six years we've had Larnook....I just hope our more frost sensitive plants don't die.
And here's Bluey looking as if he's thinking 'please don't send me outside just yet'.  Of course not, he was snug as a bug in a rug inside the house.  Very comfy, just near the fire.

1 comment:

. said...

We've been here since 2008 (same year as you??) and we've not experienced cold like this year. It's really bad.

Safe travels :)

Northern Rivers Dreaming