Sunday, May 17, 2015

the middle....

 About a third to maybe half way through the way the road changes name: from Sargents to Homeleigh Road.  The road in its entirety actually sweeps around Mt Homeleigh, first giving views from the east and soon from the west.
 I've long loved walking on country roads - and taking photos of them. I love the way they disappear into the distance, I love the gentle curves or the straight lines and I love the way light and shade play out on their surface. Of course I also love the thrill of discovering a lizard or snake sunning themselves along their edges as well.
 Political struggles are inscribed in the landscape in various ways - some subtle, some very obvious. Landowners in the Northern Rivers region have been determined to keep the region free of coal oil gas mining and many properties, ours included, have the 'Lock the Gate' signs defiantly attached to their gates.
 Struggles of a different kind are also evident on the walk. I am very alarmed by the growth of all kinds of foreign creepers and vines which are literally smothering native plants like this grass tree or Xanthorhea. I would think that unless someone intervenes (at a system level), many of these ancient plants will die.
 A beautiful tree
 The views along the road have been spectacular.  I am looking out to the north west here, into Queensland.
 Cattle and horses cast me curious looks as I walked past paddocks and a dog threatened to skirmish with me at one house, but these were my favourites.  A small herd of alpacas.  I still haven't given up having some of these share Maryville@Larnook at some stage.  They are just so cute.
At least this grove of grass trees was not being smothered by the nasty vines and creepers.  They looked so good.  These long lived plants that are probably older than the white occupation of the country.

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