Today I enrolled in a Cert IV in Massage Practice with the Australian College of Massage. Woo hoo! I've been umming and aghing about this for some time - vacillation is my middle name - but after talking it through with Stevie, I decided to take the plunge and do it. I had been tempted by a similar course taught through Byron Bay but that one required 2 nights a week for 12 weeks whereas four of the subjects in this course are done externally and the other four are taught over four weekends in Brisvegas. Anyhoo, I should be a fully accredited massage therapist by the end of September. Not that I am contemplating a career change, but it's nice to have more strings to your bow.
Good on you Kevin, fantastic idea. I've been toying with the idea of something similar for years, but of course have never got around it. I look forward to hearing how you enjoy it.
thank you, dear. I shall.
Mieke and I were back in Wellington a couple of weeks ago but it was a very quick visit this time and had no time for a visit south to Orange unfortunately.
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