We've been buying in loads of mulch (15 cubic metres at a time) over the past six months to create a bush garden on the side of the house facing McGuinness Road. Most of our Help_Xers have at some stage or another barrowed mulch on to this garden and Maurizio and Gian Marco are no exception. Here they are returning to the mulch mountain to refill the barrow. Isn't the liquid amber in Marissabelle's property look autumnally stunning.

Where are your work shoes, Maurizio?

Gian Marco wears sensible shoes but is perhaps exposing a little too much skin to the harsh Australian sun. Slip, slop, slap, Gian Marco.

I buy native plants for about $2.00 a plant (tubestock) from the Friends of the Koala nursery at work and plant them in this ever-expanding garden. The wattle is only about 12 months old.

The newly mulched area is a deeper brown and I'll mass plant this in spring. No more plantings now coming into winter.
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