Sunday, November 9, 2008

Our first egg!

Well after 5 weeks since they arrived at Maryville, one of The Girls, (our 8 chooks) finally came up with the goods and laid an egg. I suspect it might have been Martina, as she seemed to be even more confident than usual. Anyway, I gace them all some greens, including a bok choy plant that had gone to seed and said how wonderful they all were. No eggs this morning, however, so we'll just have to wait and see what happens next.

Speaking of eggs, one of my Pygmy Mulga Goannas again had difficulty laying her eggs (she had the same problem last year), so off she went to the vet's for another caesarian, poor girl. The vet extracted 6 eggs from her and she had already laid one, so she was certainly chokers. 5 of the eggs looked OK so they are in the incubator along with another 4 from a previous clutch. The patient appears to be doing well and is due for her last antibiotic injection this afternoon.

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