Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wallaby Country

The first time I visited our property with the real estate agent one of these fellas hopped slowly away as we pulled up in the car. That wallaby was one of the reasons I wanted to buy this place. Our property is visited by a mob of red necked wallabies on a daily basis. There is usually anywhere from half a dozen to a dozen grazing on our lawns and when we drive off in the morning we can sometimes see another dozen or so along the road to the end of our property. There's a couple of big, muscly bucks like this fella, some females with joeys in puch and at heel. yesterday afternoon I walked the 500 metres or so down to our letterbox and this guy let me get to within 2 metres of him before he ambled off.
Unfortunately they aren't very road savvy and we often see dead wallabies on the road through Rock Valley on our way to work.

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