Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It might look rather fabulous..but

it's anything but when you're suffering from its effects of the nasty thing. I'm feeling yucky, glugged up as I am with the cold (yes this is a representation of the common cold virus). You know how sometimes you know exactly when it is starting to effect you...I was walking between plumbing and wall hooks in Bunnings last Thursday at about 12 noon when I thought 'hmmm I think I might be getting a cold'....by Saturday afternoon the tell tale signs were all there and by Sunday I was a shuffling stick of nasal mucous (much nicer than snot)....Had to take yesterday and today off work, but should be right to go tomorrow. Anyway, that's the excuse for not blogging for a while...I was too busy trying to unblog (boom tish) my nose!

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