Monday, August 24, 2009

37 degrees today: black snake tragedy

Photo" Ken Griffiths via Google Images

Well it climbed a little higher than the 30 degrees that Fran Kelly had announced this morning. Lismore recorded 37 degrees. Not bad for a late winter's day.

Reptiles are now starting to roam around a bit and soon it will be breeding season for them. Which means more reptiles on roads and more reptiles killed. Last week I spotted two bearded dragons, a long necked tortoise and a lace goanna on the Rock Valley Road and this morning on our way to work we saw a dead red bellied black snake. Which is both good and bad. The good is that it's great to see that there are still some large adults around which haven't been wiped out by the cane toad. The black snake likes eating frogs and so is highly vulnerable to ending up with a gobful of toxic toad which usually leads to the snake's death. The bad news of course was that it had been run over and so wouldn't be breeding this summer, or for that matter, ever again. It was a nice thick snake a bit over a metre.

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