Tuesday, August 4, 2009

OK so I'm obsessed by our lawns

The weekend up here was again brilliant - blue sky, warm and sunny and perfect for saddling up Rita the Ride-On. only problem was that Rita didn't want to play - again. Just between you and me and the gatepost, I think her days might be numbered unless she starts being more cooperative. Anyway, our Rover push mower is always up for work, so I mowed our several acres of lawn by hand. OK, so it took me 7 hrs over the two days but I was very happy with the result. The pic above is taken between our shed and the chookery. This is one of my favourite 'secret' areas on our place for some reason.
The little 'toilet' like structure is a pumphouse for the pump that pumps bore water up to our second tank. If you visit us you'll actually shower in that water and it's also used for the toilet and washing machine.
Looking back towards the vege garden, shed and garage, with the end of the lower pavillion just visible.

Anyone for bowls? Perfect grass, hey.

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