Saturday, June 26, 2010

Misty Sunday Morning

Yesterday was another perfect day but we woke up this morning to mist and light drizzle, which still makes for a perfect day, just one that will be more indoorsy rather than outdoorsy. Which is OK because Steve will be at the Janome all day sewing costumes for the Metropolitan Players Production of The Boy from Oz which he agreed to costume from up here, and I'll be doing various bits and pieces of work.
This is our very first banksia flower produced by our Banksia integrifolia that we planted about 18 months ago in the garden at the front of the house.
The single banksia flower and the grevillea flowers next door are attracting lots of rainbow lorikeets to slurp up the sweet nectar with their long brushy tongues.


Louise said...

All gorgeous photos for this one Kevin. I particularly like the last two- thanks.

Dr. Mieke said...

Love the photos, Kevin!