Saturday, September 18, 2010

Massage and Mama Mia

It's quite a gloomy, cool and wet afternoon as I sit here writing this. Where has spring gone? We spent the weekend up in Brisbane, driving up after work. Thanks to Steve working out a more direct route through the city, we managed to get to the Skyline Apartments in Bowen Hills in 2 hrs 10 minutes. Dinner at a cafe in Fortitude Valley and then an early night. I wanted to get a good sleep so I could be at my best for my massage assessment on Saturday morning.
Lynda, my massage instructor had phoned me Friday morning with the news that my massage partner Ken could not make the first assessment time of 9am and so she wondered if I could bring someone along. Good old Steve of course happily agreed to be my body even though he doesn't really like being massaged all that much. Without Steve I would achieve nothing. Anyway, off we wandered with my big bag of towels, cold pressed lubricant and my two massage log books and waited until the assessment began.
There were four of us who massaged our bodies at the same time while Lynda looked on with an eagle eye to our use of correct strokes, proper, crisp boundaries with our draping and our own body stance. I know I didn't give my best effort for a variety of reasons so not sure what my actual mark will be..I hope I get a credit, but I'll have to wait and see.
After the assessment had ended we spent a couple of hours at the Valentine exhibition marvelling at the 100 frocks on display and learning more about this remarkable man who was able to maintain his international stature as a leading designer for 40 years. Extraordinary.
Then, following a lovely dinner at our fave Vietnamese restaurant at South Bank with Glen, who had driven up earlier in the afternoon, we headed off to enjoy Mama Mia at QPac, which was fabulous. But the night was still not over, with Glen convincing us to go with him to a gay pub, The Sportsman's Bar, where we met up with two of Glen's friends from Byron Bay, Ian and Gary, and took in a couple of drag shows. We also bumped into a friend of mine who I met in PNG a few years ago, Wally, who is now studying nursing at Griffith Uni in Brisbane.
Left Brisbane this morning around 9am and got back home just on midday.

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