Saturday, February 5, 2011

browning off

Now I know we haven't had the heat-wave like conditions that those of you who live down south have had, but we have had a few harsh days over the past week and yesterday and today would have been high 30s (our thermometer claims it reached 45 outside in the sun today). Even though we had 309mm in January, the grass is starting to brown off and the soil is hard and dry..who would have thought we had so many wet days over December and January...why didn't you bank some of that moisture, nature?
I should push the lawn mower down to the creek and start some serious restitutive work down there, but you know what...I can't be's just too hot!
We had two new Helpers arrive today...a German couple called Marie and Sebastian who are here until Thursday. I hope it's not going to be too hot for them.

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