Saturday, February 5, 2011

Meet my new bubs

These two young ladies are blotched blue tongues which I acquired yesterday from a breeder in Grafton. I also bought a boy as well. They will be kept in plastic tubs inside until they reach adolescence later this year when they'll go outside in an enclosure landscaped to resemble their habitat. I've long wanted to keep this species...the colours of reds and yellows get quite pronounced when they are adult.
I've been fortunate that most of my reptiles have been gifts (Kimba the woma, my two rough scaled pythons and the two black blue tongues I'm getting next week) but I paid for these guys...these two cost the same as one of our belted galloways!


Louise said...

Finally! Something that I might actually be able to look at, or maybe even touch

Mutterings from Maryville said...

lol...they are adorable