Saturday, February 12, 2011

what the...? black blue tongues....?

Not the greatest of shots, I agree, but at least this gives you an indication of how black my new baby black blue tongues really are. For those of you who know your reptiles, you might even be thinking, gee they look like baby land mullets without the spots. But they are in fact common or eastern blue tongues that originate from a mother or father who was themselves black and after a number of generations, the people who breed them are now producing lines of black blueys. These cuties arrived at Lismore airport last Thursday afternoon and are settling in well. When they grow to about 20cm (which, with a bit of luck will be towards the end of the year) I'll let them go in their specially designed blue tongue habitats outside (which still have to be constructed). You can see their lunch of chopped up apple, cucumber, lettuce, tomato and minced turkey.

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