Saturday, March 19, 2011

Andy and Susie: Austrian HelpXers

We've just said goodbye to Andy and Susie, HelpXers from Austra, who have been staying with us for the past week. They were fantastic - great workers and great company and we will miss them. They fitted in really well - they both loved food and cooking, so that helped! Earlier in the week, they made us an Austrian dish, the name of which I forget, which was delish, and then on Froday they produced these two ginormous apple strudels, which we managed to polish off in a couple of sittings!
The proud creators of the apple strudel: Andy and Susie.
We farewelled them on this rainy Sunday morning. They are hoping to get up to the Barrier Reef, provided they get some fine weather, but first stop was the Lismore car boot markets. Hopefully we shall see them again on their return trip south. Andy is a superb photographer and if I can work out how to re-size his photos, I will post some of them up on the blog.


andy said...

the austrian dish was: "Kasspatzln" ;.)

Andy said...

Love the new homestead photo..

Here's how to resize a photo from iPhoto

xxx mwah

Mutterings from Maryville said...

thanks bro, much appreciated...hope you are travelling well my boy