Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Madang Calling

Presently in Madang, Papua New Guinea, with a colleague, Michelle, where we are investigating opportunities for collaborations between Divine Word University and Southern Cross Uni. Some of you know I was here four years ago, on sabbatical. All has gone well so far, although the very first sign you read as you enter the airport at Port Moresby is to please place your weapons and ammunition in bin provided. This is a little off-putting, as is the level of security at the Coastwatchers Resort where we are staying. To access the reception 'room' one has to be let in by a receptionist pressing a button on the front desk. We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto. We've had rain everyday and night but while it bucketed down this morning while I was lecturing their 4th year students, the clouds have evaporated to reveal a beautiful sunny, blue sky day. We finished our official business at the uni around midday today and headed into Madang town where we had lunch at Madang Resort and had a look at the market and some handcraft markets. The President of Divine Word Uni is taking us out to dinner this evening and tomorrow we are visiting a village and looking at a wildlife park. Madang is pretty much as I remember it, though the potholes that pock mark the roads are more like minor craters now. People smile back at you with blood red, betel-nut stained teeth and gums. One of the first year students, Teo, I met while I was here four years ago is now working at the resort where we are staying while one of the fourth year students, Nathaline, is now working as a tutor in the Tourism and Hospitality Department at the Uni, so it's been great to see them again.


Louise said...

Certainly an interesting part of the world there young Kevy. I hope you're able to take lots of pictures to show us when you get home. Safe travels.

Unknown said...

Enjoy Madang Kev and take care.

Mutterings from Maryville said...

thanks Louise and Wally

I had a great time