Sunday, April 17, 2011

Seasonal change

Summer has well and truly left us now and this weekend had a touch of cool about it. Wet and grey and cool. So much for bringing the lawns under control - we had showers alternating with rain over the entire weekend. Our white cedar tree is losing its leaves now and the growth in our shrubs and trees is slowing down, although hasn't stopped. There are still plenty of cane toads around, including lots of little ones, but I would think that the chooks are safe now - no more big meals for the local carpet pythons now until September I would think.
There is a tribe of black cockatoos about, ripping into the pine cones like there's no tomorrow and the mob of red necked wallabies spent most of the weekend on the lawns grazing or resting in the Big Bush Garden. I counted seven this morning lazing about, surveying their lands and looking contented.

1 comment:

Louise said...

Autumn has certainly hit us too- for a few days last week it was more like winter. I thought the snakes would be safely tucked away, but we had a bad brown snake bite today at work, so they are still out there. You might still have to be careful with your girls.