Sunday, July 3, 2011

Seasonal beauty and beastliness

I think I'm much more aware of seasonal change living here at Maryville@Larnook than I was in Newcastle. I know that mid-winter will be enlivened by the orange trumpet vine that bursts into flower right about now, giving some much needed warmth and colour to the dull wintery days. Less attractively,
I also now know that the big scotch thistles begin to fan outwards from the ground like big green crown of thorns starfish from mid-winter onwards, reaching their maximum height and annoyance by August. There are lots of other seasonal cues, too of course. The jacarandas turn a golden colour from about now while the wood ducks have started pairing up or re-pairing up and will soon be tending large clutches of ducklings, most of which, I'm afraid, won't make it past duckling-hood. But that's nature. Raw in tooth and claw.

1 comment:

Louise said...

It is nice being aware of the changing seasons. It's very obvious here too. Something to do with icy winds, morning frosts and bare trees. But already our spring bulbs are sending green shoots upwards....