Saturday, July 30, 2011

You Give me (Scarlet) Fever

Apologies to Peggy Lee. Great song, done brilliantly by Newcastle band, The Castanets in the late 80's. Memories come flooding back.
Anyhoo, back to the present and Steve's case of scarlet fever. Such an old fashioned malady to pick up, but picked it up he has. He arrived back from Newcastle looking and feeling terrible with flu-like symptoms. The GP confirmed flu the next day and thought the red rash covering much of Steve's torso was a heat rash. However, rash intensified over the next few days until he looked like he'd been sun burnt and his tongue started to swell a bit as well. Back to the GP and this time with the diagnosis of scarlet fever (although I think to diagnose 100% he would have needed a blood test). But from my consultations with Dr Google, he does seem to have all the symptoms. He's getting better, but looks like he'll need those two days this week on sick leave the doc gave him as well as all of last week.


Louise said...

It does sound rather Dickensian, but it certainly does still exist. Glad to hear that Steve is on the mend. And oh, dear those memories of the Castanets! Certain songs make it all come flooding back- Fever is one of those. Viva Las Vegas another.

Mutterings from Maryville said...

Yes, and you were the first person to introduce me to them, Louise. You took me to Cardiff Workers (with Madge) to see them....oh how much fun that was!