Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chookish frustrations

So there I was this afternoon, changing the water in the chookery when my carelessness meant that a couple of the girls managed to high-tail it out into the freedom of the Big World Outside The Chookery. Now, I could have let these two recalcitrants stay out and keep the rest inside, but my heart is big, and so I opened up the door widely and gave the rest of the flock their freedom. They looked so good as they pecked at the new grass shoots, who was I to deny them this joy.

Well, it would be great, super, really fantastic if they were happy to graze the lawns. But alas, they of course find the appeal of grass short-lived and then turn their little chooky beaks to a region where they have a better chance of finding protein. Our garden beds. So that's what they are doing, scratching and scraping and flicking and damaging our garden beds in their lust for worms, crickets and such like. Steve has already indicated his serious displeasure. A short-lived holiday, I'm afraid, Girls.

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