Saturday, August 20, 2011

Do you have a problem with artificial forage?

Are you sick and tired of the back of your car looking like the floor of a barn? Growing increasingly annoyed at finding unwanted dry lucerne in crevices that barely see the light of day? Then have we got a product range for you! Designed specifically for the discerning tree-changer who has a dinky few acres with a large ruminant or two grazing on it, just pop your bale of hay in the sleek, contemporary-look satchel and into the back of the barely muddied RV it goes. Then, back home on the hobby farm, you can easily remove the hay by simply tugging on to the natty velcro ties and ease it out on to the floor. Available in a range of designer colours including aquamarine (as shown), thunderstorm and lizardbreath. Available at all good rural retail outlets.

1 comment:

Dr. Mieke said...

Good heavens, what colour is "lizardbreath"? A must have, that's for sure, anyway!! :-D