Sunday, September 11, 2011

First snake of the season...

and it's a lovely green tree snake, that we spotted as we were driving up McGuinness Road on our way home from Kyogle shopping. At first I thought it was a brown snake as it slid across the road between our easterly paddock and the home paddock, but as I got closer to it I could see the lemon-yellow-green of it's belly and its distinctive head. I caught it so I could show our friends Simeon and his sister, Vivien, before liberating it in the big bush garden. There's a chance it was the same snake that we saw when we were building the middle deck last year. It was quite a cool day yesterday, sunny, but with a cool breeze blowing.
Other reptiles I have sighted in the past little while have been a DOR eastern water dragon down the valley; a lovely bearded dragon about 10 minutes along the road down the valley today; and two short-necked turtles sunning themselves on the logs near the bridge over our creek. No doubt we shall see the first DOR brown snake in the coming weeks.

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