Sunday, October 2, 2011

Building new vege gardens

Some months ago we abandoned our vege patch because it had become riddled with onion weed. We had planned to put some terraces into the 'enclosure' next to the garage but then I came up with the idea of building some raised vege gardens, and managed to convince Steve that this was a brilliant idea. So we began the project yesterday. First take a bunch of sleepers and lay them in the area you want to build your gardens.
Now there's been a bit of magic between the first pic and this one which involved some sawing of some of the sleepers in half to make the ends, and fitting and then drilling screws into the timber through these natty steel end things that you can see at the right of the pic. Then it's a matter of getting each box square and level. So we finished building them yesterday and this morning I filled each of them in.
First task was to lay a thick layer of newspaper down over the grass and wet this thoroughly with the hose. Then I wheelbarrowed 12 loads of organic rich soil that had been delivered from Troy's Landscaping in Lismore. We ordered 4 cubic metres, about 1.3 per garden.
Into this mix also went a wheelbarrow of Baxter and Dexter's finest poo and some soil shovelled up from their feeding pen, which added to the richness, together with some chook poo pellets that I sprinkled on top.
And this is what the units look like after having a thick layer of sugar cane mulch spread over the soil. I'll leave them to settle in for a week and then plant them out next Sunday. We'll probably buy some organic seedlings from The Channon Market. Not bad, hey.

1 comment:

Louise said...

We desperately need to do something like that again. We tried during the drought, but it was never worth it. Now the beds have deteriorated so much, we need to rebuild them- I long for really built up ones, a sure sign of age, when you think about your dodgy knee!