Sunday, October 9, 2011

Transformation: Dec(k)adence

This is what the space between the two wings of our place looked like when we bought the house: an old garden that had seen better days with a lot of plants that were unsuited to that space. So over the past two years we have worked intermittently on changing the space into something that extended the living area and created something visually interesting.
And this is what the space looked like this afternoon after we'd finished off the timber slatting to hide the gap alongside the house and to hide the two air conditioning motors. It took about 4 days work to build the slatting (Steve did this of course) and stain all the timbers (which was my job).
The deck area nicely frames the view up to the Billen Cliffs, and we'll add a couple of large and interesting pot plants to add some drama to the deck. It's been a project that has involved quite a few people, mostly HelpXers: Oliver and Andrej, Yann and Maxime, Martins, Maurizio and Gianmarco, Taylor, Suanne and Andreas and Fabien as well as Shane. So thank you guys! I think we need a deck-warming party...


Louise said...

That's looks so fabulous. Congratulations on all your hardwork, and the vision.

Mutterings from Maryville said...

Thanks very much, Louise...look forward to having a drink out there with you guys when you come a'visitin'