Monday, June 11, 2012

Little Bro turns 40...

Photos: The exuberant Tracey Goodall

and so of course, you would expect a cake created as the Wicked Witch from Snow White, for Bretty's birthday.  She looked fabulous as well. Steve and I made a quick trip to Sydney to catch Brett's party held upstairs in the Pyrmont Point Hotel. Brett, being the event designer that he is, hired the services of a clairvoyant and a caricature artist to read guests' futures and to do their portrait.  But the highlight would have to be the arrival of the prime minister herself, Jahulia Gillard.

She was very funny and managed to create some very funny stories involving Brett and his friends without, in any way, bringing the office of prime minister into disrepute. She even threw in a couple of songs as well. Anyway, lots of fun, and it was great to meet so many of Brett's friends who we'd not before, as well as catch up with others we haven't seen in such a long time. And yes, I probably should have been a little more conservative with the sparkling wine.

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