Monday, June 11, 2012

Winter is here...

We've had some colder days lately, with yesterday and today failing to go beyond 14 degrees which doesn't happen too often up here. The clouds closed in today and the rain has been unrelenting, although not anything more than heavy, but still, if we get more rain overnight we may well be flooded in. Our turmeric plants (which look like gingers and indeed I suspect a close relationship) are yellowing off and will die back soon, their ryzomes protected in the soil until they reactivate again in spring, and our sweet basil is dieing back as well.  So far we haven't had any frosts but no doubt we shall get a few over the next couple of months. I just hope they are light.
I need to get some a load of firewood - our slow combustion fire is so much better than the gas heater. I spent today doing work (as in career-based work) and cooking. I've made up the meat mix for lasagne but found that we didn't have the cheeses I need for the bechamel sauce so I'll conjure that up for dinner tomorrow night and I also have a beef stew slowly cooking in the slow cooker.  Hopefully just the thing for a winter's night's dinner.

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