Sunday, August 19, 2012

Carpet python seems to have moved on

Well at least I hope that's the case, and it hasn't been picked off by some marauding wedge tailed eagle. For the past four or five weeks, this large python, of about 2 metres or a bit bigger, has been sliding out from a cavity in our bedroom wall and up on to the roof. Invariably, it would poke its head out at about 8.30 and wait until it had heated up its brain for 15 minutes of so before hauling the rest of its body out and up on to the warm roof, where it would bask until about 11 and then return to its lair. The last time I saw it was Thursday morning. It seemed quite happy with things. But alas, no sightings made either yesterday or today. Hopefully we shall see it around the place somewhere, sometime.

1 comment:

Louise said...

OMG in the bedroom wall! I hope it hasn't died, but I do hope it's moved on.